Sunday, March 30, 2008

my mood...

is best defined right now by the words indescribably angry.

fuming. pissed. irritated beyond all comprehension.

worked...the fuck up.

this morning's text message to the 'pah:

come home. I'm sad. I miss you.

his response:

gotta go check out the new kitchen floor at bob's house.

fuck to you.

I've been in this fucking bed for endless days. sleeping 16 hours a day for no other reason than I feel too fucking shitty to be awake.

I'm tired...of sleeping.

thursday night. he's at a show...I'm in bed.
saturday afternoon. he's shopping for gear...yup, I'm in bed.
sunday. he's galavanting around (is it supposed to make me feel BETTER that so and so's fucking wife could only eat mashed potatoes, too????)...I'm watching dvd's and feeling like guessed it:

in bed.

this morning after getting my message it took him HOURS...yes. entire fucking HOURS to come home...

then he got all dressed up for a bike ride.

insensitive ass licking twat.

visions of being stranded with an infant (toddler, teenager, et cetera) as daddy's out riding, climbing, partying or whatever flash through my mind.

gigantic dent in trust.

I'm not cut out for this sedentary shit. I'm obviously not handling this well. someone is going to get hurt.

mark my words...he will totally fucking pay for today.


Big Mike said...

When she fell pregnant, my wife curled up in a ball and alternated between sleeping and eating chocolate, all the while sobbing.

She worked through it though. For us it only lasted for 3 pregnancies... and the best part of a full decade.

I must admit I went bike riding a couple of times during those 3650 shitful days.

Please don't kill your man, he's still handy to have around to mow the lawn and change light bulbs.

andy said...

while i'm sure you're not really looking for consolation, you should mark 5 weeks or so on your calendar. you should be much better by then and be enjoying the pregnancy much more.

and in another annoying little helpful tidbit is that having kids doesn't have to slow down your active lifestyle if you make not letting it do so a priority. my wife and i have 3 kids and still ride, run, camp, ski, etc. far more than our non-kid-having friends. we just try really hard to schedule time for each of us to engage in our favorite activities, separately and together.

i'm sure the last thing you want right now is the above comments but if you're among the vast majority of women, your days of feeling like crap are numbered. just gut out the first little part and then it's all good. until the end. yeah. exactly.

Suki said...

don't worry, guys.

I stabbed him in the thigh...

and we're MUCH better, now.


it probably won't happen, again.

...for a little while.