Wednesday, July 18, 2007

the beginning...

of the continuation...of the end.

today its go time. we're going through the house, inventorying what needs to be tossed, fixed, painted, replaced, put in storage, fought over, et cetera.

I'm going to schedule a class to renew my real estate license...figure out what this house is worth (pray I get 240k for it)...get out our paint brushes and put up a sign.

we can't settle before October without paying capital gains taxes (no thanks. did that once), but I'd like to have it under contract ASAP. transitions suck.

this up down up down up down emotional roller coaster is....vexing, to say the least. one minute I'm so ridiculously retardedly stupid-like happy...

then I crash when the kid doesn't want to come home...or the dog looks at me funny...or I talk to my mom (unless I'm scaring her with tales of my mountain biking, lead climbing, dare-deviling adventures, knowing she won't sleep that night and getting in a little payback after she's had her third glass of boxed wine, that is).

the hub has decided that he's moving in with a friend...and can take cookie with him. I told him I'm not sure if I can let cookie go live without nandie (we did NOT name him Fernando. I swear it). not sure if I can let cookie go...period. he said I can have her if I need her.

heh. I might need her.

he's happy about where he's going. said he thinks that that may be why all of this is happening...that maybe he's supposed to be there with him. keeping him company. helping him out. spending time with him. this eases my mind more than you can imagine. he'll be in the company of single friends. getting his art on. going out. meeting the shorties. drinking too much (ugh. that worries me)...and trying to get on with it.

he told me yesterday not to worry what others thought. or if they over-reacted. he said its between the two of us and no one else. he offered me tons of support when he heard that the kid's grandmother flipped on me. he said we had a good run and it was time to move on. he said he can't understand why some people are taking it so hard.

I told him that I can. when we got married we were the picture of gushy-sloppy-make-everyone-sick-in-love-compatibility. it was romantic. it was everyone's fantasy.

then three years later it took a shit. people can't cope when something like that breaks down. they lose faith. they lose hope. they get bitchy.

so I'm making me psuedo-public statement right now for all the bitchy-getters *cough. grandwitch, cough*:

I'm a little busy right now figuring out my own life...and won't be able to entertain YOUR little issues and epics.

if you can't be supportive of my choice (understandable)...

at least do me the courtesy of being silent (aka stfu).


tomshideaway said...

People in older generations often held on to and stayed in relationships because that was expected, even if the relationship was fucked many of these people are still married and live together but are too old to get away from each other, personally I want to be happy when I stop working and not living with someone I don't get along with..good luck to both of you

Frank Brigandi said...

The boomers and beyond have very jaded opinions. They also tend to stick their noses in things that they feel is their business. take a stand, hold your ground, integrity is everything. Parent your daughter, demand your husband to do what is best for her, both of you have to set an example for her... it;s not about the adults...
My mom loves putting her 2 cents into things, I do not tolerate it at all. Some people just have too many opinions y'know.