Friday, July 6, 2007

I'll admit it. I'm really scared, now.

a doctor from the new hampshire ER just called to report an "incidental finding" not likely to be indicative of cancer at my age.

they told me the scan was clear...

they're not allowed to do this, now.

I've got such a bad feeling about this...


samantha said...

what exactly did they say the incremental finding was? What test did they take?

Ask them to email you the report.

There are ALL kinds of things that they find that mean absolutely nothing when they run tests. Trust me.

Don't get scared.

Email me if you want. slockwoo_knits at yahhhhooo dot com

Go eat a brazil nut.

Keith said...

Deep breaths, Suki. Inhale, exhale. Repeat.

You're a climber, kid. You know how to hang in there and to stay in the moment, where you need to be, rather than in some fearful vision of the future. Try not to energize any negative thoughts. Rather, drink in the healing energy of the universe right down into your cells...

"Not likely" is a good thing to hear in this case. To wit: every time a girl has informed me it's "not likely" that I'll be seeing her naked at some point, she's been correct. And they weren't even doctors...

You're gonna be just fine!

Suki said...

brazil nuts.
deep breaths.


but what about a tooshie rub?

where's my damn tooshie rub, y'all?

Kim said...

If there is an incrimental finding, they must report it to cover their asses (and yours, no pun intended)...
In the meantime, enjoy what promises to be a beautiful weekend (in a Hotter Than July kind of way)...take comfort in knowing that your friends and blogosphere buddies are thinking of you & wishing you good health :)

Kristibelle said...

Hi Suki. I popped over from Keith's blog to just offer you some blogosphere support. The find from the scan in ER could be anything--they can be read so differently by so many different drs. My husband had a find on his MRI once that turned out to be a benign thing he was born with (but this was discovered much later--after a bone and CT scan and me completely freaking the fook out). If it makes you feel better, get the report and then fax it to the dr. you're seeing next week to get an opinion.

And a colonoscopy is a breeze. Preparing for it sucks eggs, but the actual procedure includes great drugs that will make you sleep really well.

Sending you healing and calm energy.

Suki said...

thanks for stopping in kristie.

I appreciate the encouragement.

from you, however, kim...

I expect a tookus massage and some vanilla quik.