Friday, July 20, 2007

yonder mountain


going to see yonder mountain in Jim Thorpe tonight with Oqui, the Cilantro gang and Matty and the K-town hotties (why am I capitalizing?). gonna camp tonight. ride tomorrow. pick up the kid saturday and camp another night with her.

I'm really excited about spending some time in the woods with her. I think it'll be cathartic.

we're all going to area 51 on sunday to boulder...which will probably bore her to tears...leaving plenty of time to go exploring with her.

I foresee a suki getting lost on both the bike ride AND the explororating...

I can't wait.

so shouldn't I be more excited? blah.

I'm tired. just hoping to get through the evening. it'll be very much a 'coming out' for Oqui and I...vast and abounding judgement awaits.

after all...I'm still married.

I told the hub that I was interested in someone else and he's been getting progressively angrier (his term was bitter). I told him he's entitled to that...

still doesn't help.

hmmm...look at the time.

I need to get out of here...

I really need to get out of here.

1 comment:

Suki said...

bluegrass has its limitations.

I'd say around 18 minutes.

rest of the weekend?
