Thursday, July 19, 2007


how do you deal with it?

I've got alot (the big "d", the kid, money, preparing and selling the house, getting my real estate license, not losing my driver's one, finding a new house, getting a mortgage, blood butt and abdominal pain, that suspicious rash <----just seeing if you're with me).

I don't want my innerds to disintegrate. I'm curious how you guys let off some steam.

I rode on tuesday, climbed on wednesday, try my hardest to listen to tunes that affect my mood in JUST the right fashion, and cuddle my dogs alot.

bear in and eating probably aren't options.

what else do you guys do?


Frank Brigandi said...

stress, depends on which kind of stress. I like to believe I am a drama free kinda guy. Apparently it still finds me.. haha..
relationship stress was a hard nit to crack. What I have discovered works best for me vie my wife's persistence, is to spend more quality time with her. Crack open a bottle of wine, go somewhere and just be together doing anything, thinking about the moment, touching each other (holding hands) scratching her head or anything that also relaxes me. LIke to monkeys sort of.. its nice, I am sometimes hard to get along with being a right brain dominated person. She likes to talk to me about all sorts of stuff, I like to listen to her talk cause when she's upset with me she doesn;t talk to me or not as much....communication is literally the key to any good relationship. but if it's not there, it's not happening.

Keith said...

For me, I try to limit myself from looking at the big picture at times like these and instead take things first things first, one day at a time. It may sound all hokey, new-agey, 12-Steppy... but it works. Trying to face everything on my plate at once would be, to extend the metaphor, like trying to shove an entire five-course meal down my face at one time. There needs to be space between things to regroup and digest each experience as they happen.

I'm tempted to extend the metaphor further to include taking a huge, satisfying, bloodless dump, but I'm not sure how to work that in. ;-)

Maybe you've been experiencing emotional indigestion?

I like the sound of the stress relievers you've already put into place. Perhaps some meditation can be added into the mix? A little quiet time for the Suki?

samantha said...

The stuff you are dealing with is heavy, but it could always be worse. Keep perspective. Know that this bad stuff will pass.

Also, be present. When you are dealing with the house, deal with the house. When you are dealing with the health stuff, deal with that... don't try to deal with it all together in one big bucket. One thing at a time.

No McDonalds either.

forty f15teen said...

when sex and eating are not an option, and you can guess how often that first one occurs... you can probably guess what i do to cope with stress.

yep. 2 minutes and i'm sleeping like a baby.

Suds said...

so sex and eating are out eh... hmmm, I am at a loss then. :)

I go for a drive; sometimes with the music really loud, other times with no music at all, just silence. Walking might be a good thing too... just a quiet walk. I try to focus on good thoughts when I go off on my own... it's always a dangerous thing to dwell on what's stressing you 'cause all the self-talk will become overwhelming and feed into the stress. I say this quite easily but it can be very difficult not to let your mind wander to the stressing things.

I'll also admit that sometimes when I'm in the car driving down a back road, I'll let out a few really good, full body screams/yells to kinda release some of the built up tension. What can I say... it helps sometimes. (Oh, I tend to roll the windows up when I do that to avoid the police being called ;) )

Good luck Suki, we're thinking' of you.
