Saturday, July 14, 2007

welcome to miserable

like a kid coming down from a sugar high...

the initial relief of saying the words and getting it off my chest has now just about worn off.

I hate how I feel right now. I hate that my insides roil, boil and twist everytime I think about this.

I hate that people who were as in love as we were grow apart, grow different, grow complacent.

I hate not being able to trust ANY-FUCKING-THING.

...I still love the kid, my dogs, my cool jammies and the house (I'm about to sell), though.

^ (I also hate) my lame ass attempt at being positive.


Keith said...

Half-hearted positivity is still positivity. Sometimes we just gotta fake it till we make it, y'know?

danger monkey said...

I have to start reading these forwards instead of backwards. They'll make much more sense.
By the way, you're one of the most positive people I know. Don't be so hard on yourself.