Friday, July 6, 2007

kids heal all

fifteen dollars, a box of ice cream cones and a bunch of neighborhood kids with a crush on my daughter totally made my day, today.

the boys did the weeding. the girls did the teasing...and I did the enjoying.

I'm so blessed to have a bunch of (not so) little reminders of how much fun everything can be.

there was worm throwing, popcorn munching, singing, bootie shaking and a whole lot of work getting done.

I haven't a hiney worry in the world when the neighborhood kids hang here.

finally around 9:30 the hub screamed at them and chased them away (he HATED having them here. an issue I refuse to acknowledge just now) I should buy some doritos and soda to make sure they come back...

1 comment:

Kim said...

Cherry 7-Up & Cool Ranch Doritos and I may show up!