Friday, July 6, 2007

do I HAFTA???

saw my doc yesterday.

he said I need further testing (including a colonoscopy. yay). he lectured me for refusing reasonable care by not allowing them to admit me. he called me a jerk. I called him a bigger jerk. we thumb wrestled...

then I cried and shook again as they scheduled my GI appointment.

I'm thinking anti-anxiety meds might be in order for the days to come.

I REALLY don't do well with medical issues...



samantha said...

I figured they'd recommend a colonoscopy. They are really NO big deal... you don't feel a thing! You don't remember it either. The worst part is by far, drinking the stuff before the test and then not eating.

I strongly recommend you go see the best doctors you can find. The difference between a good doctor and a leader in the field can be huge. Always go with the best. And get the test as soon as possible that way you will learn what you need to learn and move on.

I think you'll be fine. Stay strong.

Suki said...

thanks, sam. I appreciate that.

I know I'll be ok. this is all just precaution, now. I'm not getting a "help me" vibe from my body. I'm doing it to ease my mind and let my mother get some sleep (she's WIGGING).

I asked them to find me a doctor with a great sense of humor.

I figured someone who could put me at ease would make this whole thing less traumatic.

I'm seeing him on friday the 13th.

he better be funny as shit.

Suds said...

wow, good luck Suki. A friend of mine is going through a very similar thing. They think he may have something like colitis... he speculates it may be connected to his trip to Dominican Republic or some antibiotics he took when he got an infection (he said they were wicked strong) and perhaps the antibiotics killed off all the "good" bacteria in his system.

Anyway, as others said, trust your instincts (my wife does with her own medical issues as well as the kids and she's never sorry for insisting when the docs don't want to listen).
